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Spring 6 and Spring Boot 3: timeline support



The most widely used framework in java is Spring framework which is composed of several projects, and the most used Spring projects are Spring Framework and Spring Boot. The first one is widely used because all other spring projects are built upon him, and the second one is widely used because it speeds up the development of a spring application.

On November 24, 2022, a new release of the Spring Framework and Spring Boot came out. So, the lastest release of the Spring Framework is now 6.x and the latest release of Spring boot is now 3.x

Community support vs. Commercial support

In order to get support about Spring projects, you can reach out to the Spring community by asking questions on Stackoverflow, publishing issues in Spring Projects on GitHub, or asking questions on Gitter. On the other hand, commercial support is available here.

For all Spring projects, commercial support lasts longer than community support.

Spring projects

There is a lot of spring projects that help developers in building applications, and all of them are built upon the Spring Framework project. In order to have an idea about all the spring projects. See for the complete list of Spring projects.

Release cycles

Each spring project has its own release cadence, for example, each year Spring Framework team releases a minor or a major release, and every six months, the Spring Boot team releases a minor or a major release.

Timeline support for Spring Framework

BranchInitial ReleaseEnd of Community SupportEnd Commercial Support
6.1.x (Future Release)2023-11-152025-08-312026-12-31

Timeline support for Spring Boot

BranchInitial ReleaseEnd of Community SupportEnd Commercial Support